These little critters always enter the house as winter comes on. Winter is coming on.
Some photos of “4” I found around the house:

This is the image I saw when I looked out my window at 4:00 am:

It is still so dark out that only a reflection was visible on the window glass. That’s a cup of Sharpie Fine Point markers that lives on the window sill near my desk, in the foreground.
I’m in my Isaac Mizrahi look. Actually, I was wearing a bandana like this long before he was born but Isaac stole my bandana thunder.
I'm listening to Jack Carson "Willie and Hannibal in Mouseland: Side 1" from: Willie and Hannibal in Mouseland
I love the pictures of the four. And the four a.m. Crows make art this way.
More four please. And more more.
really? this is art!?
How cool!
I keep thinking i want to paint my bedroom orange! Me! Orange!
What does that mean!?
Yes. Art. Fnding it is as easy as four. Doing it is as easy as four plus four plus four plus four plus four.
My dear partner took 23,000 pictures so far this year. That's 5730 times four. You could make four your life for awhile. Lists and pictures and? What's in it for you? Find out.
it means you want to paint your bedroom orange!
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