14 June 2006

Phasianus colchicus

I’ve been away. I am back. This fellow greeted me upon my return home.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just read a great poem about the pheasant--you probably know of it already...

He's so beautiful!

CrimsonCrow said...

Isn't he grand! He hasn't been crowing at all this morning and he hasn't shown up for the cracked corn. Worry sets in...

Lee Hartsfeld said...


Welcome back! Hope you had a safe, fun, and relaxing trip. We have mobs o' cats to greet us when we return to the farm(house). We have a long sidewalk they use as a runway for rolling, greeting, etc. It's a daily cat pageant.

I refer to the ritual as their "greetathon."

Cool photo.


CrimsonCrow said...

Thanks, Lee.

I know just what you mean about the "greet-a-thon." I only ever had one cat at a time but they each loved to roll and twist in the driveway or on the sidewalk as I returned form work or a day out...