I am on vacation. Yea!
I was supposed to go to Provincetown. Yea!
I wasn't able to go. Boo.
Still, I'm having a pleasant time. I am enjoying my home as it was intended. Nature. Views. Sounds. Breezes. Lovely.
I have had energy. Something lacking for a long time. I have been doing projects I've been wanting to do for a long time.
Here is my favorite project so far:

For years I have been frustrated with the one bar towel rack I've had. I've always felt it an imposition to have to fold towels to hang them on a towel rack. I did it because it was "what one did." Well, it takes too much time for something so unimportant.
I realized recently that I don't like to use rods (and hangers) for hanging things. Not for my coats, not for my towels!
I replaced the closet rod for my coats and jackets with this:

A beautiful hook system. Now my stuff is almost always hung up instead of tossed on the couch or table. Same idea with the towels. Of course I never used hangers for the towels but it was the folding thing that I never did.
I love this new system! I love how it looks. I love that I made it. I love that it is far easier for me to use.
Why the heck not be as comfortable as one can be in one's own house?