Here, then, are 3 of the 7 tags I made today.

“Creamed,” “Ordinary Woman,” and “5B”
The first one I made was “5B”. Then I made “Creamed.” And then “Ordinary Woman.” Each tag is 4 and 3/4" long x 2 and 3/8" wide.
The photo is of Barbara Armonas, who by the way, was far from ordinary. Unless you consider surviving 8 years in Gulag in Siberia ordinary. “I am a very ordinary woman from an ordinary family.” are the opening words of a piece she wrote for a 1961 article in LIFE magazine.
Music of the day: Rapoon. “The Kirghiz Light” and “What do You Suppose?” All art was created while this stuff was playing. You can get several Rapoon albums yourself, free, at Free Albums Galore.
When I read the phrase "couch and nap," my mind substituted "cat nap." I associate couches with cats. Lots of 'em. And naps. And for obvious reasons (24 of them, at last count. Or is it 23?).
Please get better!
Thanks for the “get better” thoughts.
I wish it on myself, too!
Couch and Nap. Weren’t they a piano duo back in the late 50s?
Or was it a crime-stopping dog and cat team?
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