Pronunciation: 'sä-d &n
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English soden, from past participle of sethen to seethe
1 a :dull or expressionless especially from continued indulgence in alcoholic beverages
1 b: Torpid, sluggish
2 a: Heavy with or as if with moisture or water
5:52 am: I am sipping “water sodden with ginger in it.” Flakes and tiny pieces of grated ginger floating in my cup. I chew each of them as they flow from the cup into my mouth. Little ginger explosions on my tongue.

This is the grater I used. A little Japanese job. Sharp as all get out. One can use it to get just ginger juice also. Scrape the ginger into the trough at the bottom and press on the ginger and out drips the juice. Nice. Neat. Functional. I appreciate design like that. I also appreciate ginger and all those who helped get it to my belly. I know that the produce manager in the store where I bought it is named Pooch. And the owner of the store is John. Beyond that, I’m at a loss for who had a hand in gettting it here. Oh, the cashier’s name is Lori.
I will ask Pooch the next time I’m in the store where she buys the fresh ginger.
I might have said I am sipping ginger tea this morning. But that would not be true. Tea is the name of a specific plant: Camellia sinensis. Therefore, I would be wrong in saying ginger tea as there is no Camellia sinensis in sight. So, I ought to say I am sipping a ginger infusion; which is a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water). Try that the next time you go to a restaurant and start to order herbal tea.
“I’ll have a peppermint infusion, please.”
I love all the recent drink info, thanks. But did the native Americans have a wake-up drink?
As an inveterate tea drinker (and infusion drinker), what I love is when restaurants and coffee places categorize tea in two ways: Tea and Herbal Tea. In the first category goes Lipton and in the other category goes everything else, including Earl Grey, English Breakfast, true herbals and flavored camilia sinensis. (As in black tea with peppermint.)
Actually I think herbal tea has come to mean Flavored Tea. It parallels coffee and flavored coffee. USA is not a tea-drinkers paradise...
“But did the native Americans have a wake-up drink?”
That’s what I’m trying to find out! I am finding nothing about it. Ideas?
”USA is not a tea-drinkers paradise...“
Not a paradise in so many ways!
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